
MuralSchool Murals – To coincide with the 100th anniversary of ANZAC, we promoted the concept of the two Riverton schools combining their artistic talents to produce a large mural for each school depicting the local Light Horse militia and the Riverton community in WW1. This work was supervised by James Butler, the art teacher from the Riverton & District High School.


Field of Remembrance – This activity was created especially for school students to encourage them to research either their family history or the various online military archives, select a person, write down their basic details on a small white cross and place it into the 'field' located within the Schulz Park garden. The local community were also invited to participate resulting in over 300 crosses bring rededicated each year just prior to ANZAC Day.


Military Memorabilia Collection – This project had its development period during 2019 with the installation of carpet, air conditioning, storage area and glass display equipment. The display will progressively be curated during 2020.